Competitive advantage of Suriname
Plentiful of available landmass and vast array of fertile land for agriculture: 1.5 million hectares (85% located in coastal plans and 15% on the river terraces in the interior) are considered suitable for agricultural production but only an estimated 120.000 hectares are currently being used .
Availability of freshwater: 99 billion cubic meters of renewable internal freshwater resources in the country (2017)
Favorable climate:
Type: tropical climate with abundant rainfall, uniform temperature, and high humidity, influenced by the behavior of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ).
Average temperature: 27ºC. Sun is rarely entirely absent, providing an average radiation of 450 watt/m.
Seasons: Two rainy and two dry seasons, a long rainy season from April to August, a long dry season from August to December, a short rainy season from December to February and a short dry season from February to April.
Rainfall: between 1500mm and 2500mm in each year. Suriname’s coastal zone is very fertile.
No natural disasters: placed outside the Hurricane Alley
Exceptional location: due to its strategic location, Suriname acts as a bridge between the Atlantic coastlines, as well as within the Caribbean region.
Key Trade agreements: Suriname enjoy preferential access to:
CARICOM: duty and quota-free access to the 15 member countries protected by a common external tariff
EUROPEAN UNION: after the EU-CARIFORUM EPA, there is duty and quota-free access to the EU market in all fruits and vegetables products.
Total value of exports has more than doubled between 2012 and 2018 .
Supported skills development: existence of scientific and nature-based educational programs such as:
the Het Natuurtechnisch Instituut trainin programs
the Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname : Studies on Agricultural Production
the Polytechnic College Suriname: Studies in Agronomic and Agribusiness Management; Food technology; and Agronomy.