On the day preceding our Independence celebration, a Haitian delegation led by the Prime Minister, H.E. Dr. Ariel Henry, including the Ministers of Trade and Defense as well as a representative from the Haitian Chamber of Commerce attended a presentation by SITA about Suriname Trade and Investment opportunities organized by BIBIS.

Following a welcome from Henna Soerdjoesing, BIBIS Permanent Secretary International Business, Prime Minister Henry noted the warm welcome and said that he hoped his trip would be the first of many between Suriname and Haiti. SITA CEO Henk-John Guicherit then made a presentation to the group focused on the many trade and investment opportunities offered by Suriname which impressed the Haitian delegation.

Introductions of the companies attending the event were then made. Companies attending included: JP Steel Erectors, Integra Marine, Doorson Construktie Industrie Suriname, Laparkan, Bouwbedrijf Sental N.V.

SITA will follow up on this event by sending details of Suriname companies interested in trading with Haiti to the Haiti Chamber of Commerce.

SITA Admin
Author: SITA Admin

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