Trade: Market access
trade: market access
1. Good access to other markets
Multilateral agreements
(go to the green dot in a country/region to see the agreement)
WTO treaty
Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (The Caribbean Community and Common Market – CARICOM)
CARICOM- Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement
CARICOM-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement
Second Protocol to the Trade and Economic Agreement between the CARICOM and the Government of the Republic of Cuba
CARIFORUM- EU Economic Partnership Agreement
CARIFORUM- UK Economic Partnership Agreement
Cotonou Partnership Agreement
Also, Suriname belongs to several integration processes such as :
Member state of The Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM)
Member state of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
Exporting from Suriname allow businesses to profit from preferential treatment in several markets, as the country is party to several bilateral and multilateral trade agreements:
Bilateral agreements
(go to the green dot in a country/region to see the agreement) MOU or programme)
Agreement with Brazil concerning Tariff Concessions for the Rice Trade
Trade agreement between the Republic of Suriname and Republic of Indonesia
MOU Suriname- Antigua and Barbuda
MOU Suriname – Barbados
MOU Suriname – Dominica
MOU Suriname – Ghana (tourism and mining)
Member state of the Forum of the Caribbean group of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (CARIFORUM)
Associate member state of Mercado Común del Sur – MERCOSUR
2. Main export markets
Exports are key for Surinamese economy. In fact, in 2019 the export of merchandise supposed the 59,9% of the country’s GDP while the export of services supposed 3,4% of the GDP.
1.38 billion consumers
Average exports/year
2011-2020 to India
thousand USD: 7.897
18.3 million consumers
Average exports/year
2011-2020 to CARICOM
thousand USD : 137.747
1.4 billion consumers
Average exports/year
2011-2020 to India
thousand USD: 18.444
United Arab Emirates
9,9 million consumers
Average exports/year
2011-2020 to UAE
thousand USD : 477.631
8.7 million consumers
Average exports/year
2011-2020 to Switzerland
thousand USD 283.139
European Union
447 million consumers
Average exports/year
2011-2020 to the European Union thousand
USD: 220.608
37,7 million consumers
Average exports/year
2011-2020 to Canada
thousand USD: 84.270
331 million consumers
Average exports/year
2011-2020 to USA
thousand USD: 142.573
3. Suriname as an export hub
The 2020 Doing Business report gave a score of 75/100 to the country in the topic “Trading across borders” while the regional average was set at 69,1 points.
In fact, Suriname was better placed than the average Lat in American and the Caribbean in several of the subcategories, both in terms of time and costs:
The country has untapped potential (being the absolute difference between potential and actual exports in value terms) regarding several markets and export products .
In terms of target markets, five are key, among others:
The International Trade Centre quantifies that Suriname has a total untapped export potential of 304,2 million USD, focused, among other products, on:
A. Custom clearance through ASYCUDA world
Since 2015, Suriname applied this system for custom clearance, which is designed to facilitate and improve calculation, collection and accounting of customs duties, among other, related to customs operations and, in turn, speed-up the clearance of goods.
B. Export process through the Suriname’s Electronic Single Window
Exporters rely on an Electronic Single Window provided by the Government in order to be able to handle all the necessary trade related documentation in one location :
This entails certain advantages for traders:
Procedures run faster
Procedures can be managed from anywhere
Access to all the trade-related documents via a single digital log-in
Possibility to send the documents directly to the corresponding government department
Promotes the collection of import duties and other government transaction costs
Traders can be electronically informed of the result of the trading process
Good air connectivity: the country possesses two international airports with direct connections to regional transport hubs such as Amsterdam, Belem or Miami.
Expanding sea connectivity: The Government is promoting projects to foster Suriname’s role as a regional and international maritime hub. In fact, there are 17 facilities in Suriname certified as fulfilling the International Maritime Organization requirements of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
trade: market access
4. Support
Suriname Investment and Trade Agency (SITA) is the national Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (TIPA) and is comitted to be the strategic and the trusted partner of anyone who wants to do business in Suriname. Need support? Contact us here.
Entities linked to Trade :
Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, International Business And International Cooperation Suriname
Ministry Of Agriculture, Livestock And Fisheries
Ministry Of Finance And Planning
Ministry Of Economic Affairs, Entrepreneurship And Technological Innovation
Ministry Of Natural Resources
Ministry Of Land And Forest Management
- Ministry Of Transport, Communication And Tourism
Central Bank Of Suriname (CBvS)
Chamber Of Commerce And Industry (KKF)
Suriname Business Forum (SBF)
Association For Small And Medium Enterprises
Association Of Engineering Firms
General Contractors’ Association (AAV)
Ngo Forum
Suriname Manufacturers Association (ASFA)
Suriname Trade And Industry Association (VSB)
American Chamber Of Commerce In Suriname (AMCHAM)